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Tung's Acupuncture Points 22.03 & 22.06 (Luo Zhen & SJ 3)

Location: The points 22.03 and 22.06 are located on the dorsal yang aspect of the hand. The point 22.03 is the same as Luo Zhen and is located between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpals and 0.5 cun proximal to the knuckles. The point 22.06 is located in the same position as SJ 3, between the 4th and 5th metacarpals and 0.5 cun proximal to the knuckles.


Indications: Neck, shoulder, and upper back pain. They are also useful for headaches and especially when they occur with neck pain. For neck and cervical disorders that cause to headaches, these points are some of the top choices.


Both of these points are also used for a variety of foot disorders including ankle pain and heel pain. When using these for treating the foot it is very useful to consider any structural imbalances or other pathologies of the feet that are present. 


22.03 is indicated for a variety of eye conditions.  

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Master Tung's Points 22.03 & 22.06

22.06 is indicated for ear disorders including tinnitus and difficulty hearing. It may also be used for Meniere's, vertigo and dizziness. Ear and eye disorders tend to be difficult to treat, and generally these points work best for acute conditions of the ears and eyes.


While these points tend to work very well for a variety of neck and cervical disorders, there are cases that don't get results with these points. Chronic conditions of the spine such as stenosis, bone spurs, and cervical disc herniations will often be unresponsive to these needles. In these cases we need to select points that get to the deeper levels and structures of the body. Points on the small intestine meridian such as SI 3, 22.08, and 22.09 can be effective when 22.03 and 22.06 fail to produce a result.  


To get the best results it is essential to do good syndrome differentiation. Using zang-fu pattern identification and Dr. Tan's six systems many not be enough to help determine what point groups will produce the best results. While these traditional methods are indispensable for many aspects of acupuncture, it is also vital to consider myofascial lines and structural issues. 

Acupuncture & Structural Alignment

The head and neck have various movements such as flexion, extension, lateral bends, and rotational movements. In treating neck, shoulder, back, and hip pain it is important to make fundamental structural assessments. Checking for alignment issues of the neck gives many insights into what point groups should be used. For instance, chronic flexion in the neck and head is very common in office workers and results from looking into computers and phone screens. This will frequently cause neck and shoulder pain resulting from chronic strain on the neck and back muscles.


While Master Tung's points like 22.03 & 22.06 can often stop this kind of pain, acupuncture alone is not enough to account for the structural and postural issues resulting from excessive neck flexion. This is why I like to show my clients movements they can do to correct underlying structural conditions. When they do the prescribed movements it offsets the malalignment and gives them simple tools they can use on their own.


Since acupuncture is so beneficial for many musculoskeletal conditions it is necessary to understand some basics about making structural assessments. When Tung's powerful points are combined with a knowledge of myofascial lines, functional anatomy, and good alignment exercises we can get even greater results with our patients. This is why I created classes on combining points with structure and alignment for the neck, shoulders, back and hips. To learn more about these principles visit these pages on my website. 


Acupuncture for the Neck, Shoulders, and Upper Back


Acupuncture for the Hips, Pelvis and Low Back  



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