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Acupuncture and Fascia - An Intro to the 201 Course

Here is an introductory file on the 201 class Acupuncture and Fascial Lines.

The urinary bladder meridian is similar to the superficial back line (SBL). By understanding the myofascial lines we can gain greater insight into how acupuncture points work. The acupuncture point UB 40 is often used for low back pain, while UB 57 is useful for upper back pain, and UB 60 is indicated for headaches and neck pain. 


The principle of tensegrity explains why distal acupuncture points can work on distant locations. Tensegrity consists of two words: tension + integrity, and it explains how tension moves through a system.  In many regards tension is similar to qi stagnation, so the study of tensgrity as it applies to fascial lines, is also the study of how qi stagnation moves in specific ways through the fasciae.


Taking an anatomical and fascial approach to acupuncture allows us to take a different perspective on pattern identification. While zang-fu patterns are essential for herbs, it is not necessarily the best method for acupuncture. Many of us know acupuncture works great for musculoskeletal conditions, and when we apply a myofascial method of pattern identification, it can greatly increase our clinical efficiency.  


Another form of pattern identification that works well with acupuncture is to use a meridian systems approach. I have written extensively about this in my book Meridian Circuit Systems. In this approach we take the relationships between the meridians as the starting points. For example, the internal - external connection between the lung and large intestine meridians is one meridian system that we often use in TCM style acupuncture. Similarly, meridian connections are formed between anatomical relationships between the tai yin, yang ming, shao yang, etc. The horary cycle also demonstrates meridian connections as the qi moves from one meridian to another according to time cycles and circadian rhythms. Therefore, meridian systems approaches to pattern identification take the horary cycle, internal - external relationships, and anatomical connections as the primary method of identifying syndromes.


An anatomical and myofascial approach to understanding the actions and indications of the points, can assist us in many ways in making more accurate diagnoses, and selecting better points prescriptions. I have spent the last four years researching this, applying it to thousands of patients, and confirming the results with research in medical acupuncture. I invite you to learn more about the fascial lines and apply this to your own clinical skills.


Read more:


Acupuncture and Fasciae


Master Tungs Points and Fasciae



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