88.01, 88.02, 88.03 - Penetrating Gate (Tong Guan), Penetrating Mountain (Tong Shan), Penetrating Heaven (Tong Tian)
Location: Between the ST and SP meridians and above the center of the patella.
The first point Tong Guan is located 5 cun above the superior edge of the patella.
Tong Shan is 7 cun above the patella.
​Tong Tian is 9 cun above the patella.
These points should be used as a two or three point combination (Dao Ma).
They may be used for all kinds of heart and cardiovascular conditions including heart disease, palpitations, poor circulation, and anemia. In TCM theory the the earth and fire phases are closely connected and we use points on the stomach and spleen meridiand to treat heart conditions and patterns. Similarly, these points are located between the spleen and heart channels and influence both meridians.
Heart disease, stomach pain, constipation, edema of the lower limbs, pain in the four extremities, carpal tunnel, cerebral anemia, knee pain

88.01, 88.02, 88.03