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44.06 - jian zhong

The Master Tung Acupuncture point, T 44.06 Jianzhong, is on the LI channel, 2.5 cun distal to the acromion joint, on the midpoint of the deltoid muscle.


  • Arthritis of the knee, knee sprain, knee pain

  • Hemiplegia

  • Neurasthenia

  • Arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, palpitations

  • Skin diseases (especially in the neck and arm area), boils, carbuncles

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  • Back pain, sciatica, medial ankle and foot pain, xing bi (mobile painful obstruction) and arthritis and pain in multiple joints, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, arm pain, weakness of the lower limbs, medial ankle pain

  • Infantile paralysis, post-polio syndrome

  • Epistaxis

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