22.11 (Tu Shui)
These points are located on the radial edge of the first metacarpal bone and on the lung meridian. The middle point is at the same location as LU 10. The other two points are located 0.5 cun distal and 0.5 cum proximal to the LU 10.
These points are used for lung and digestive disorders. In 5-element terms we can think of these points as affecting the metal and earth systems. The name Tu Shui means Earth Water, indicating their use for damp condiitons. They may be used for cold damp lung and digestive problems, as well as for damp heat conditions.

22.11 - Tu Shui
In remembering the functions of these points it is useful to consider the tai yin relationship between the lungs and spleen. As these points are on the lung meridian they treat cough, asthma, and respiratory system disorders. Spleen related conditions they are used for include acute damp pattern digestive conditions as well as stomach disorders such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, heartburn, and stomach pain.
Tu Shui may also be used for sciatica and lumbar pain, medial leg pain (LU - SP & LU - LV connection), and bone related conditions such as periostitis, bone swelling, and arthritis. For bone disorders it is essential to tap the bone with the acupuncture needle. ​